Lucknow, Jan 9 (Representative) Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday said that the people of Uttar Pradesh are privileged to showcase India’s profound spiritual heritage through the Maha Kumbh. He said that the Maha Kumbh, scheduled in Prayagraj from January 13 to February 26, will elevate India’s ancient cultural and religious traditions to global prominence. Acknowledging Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visionary leadership, the CM said that India embraces its ancient heritage with pride under his guidance. While addressing the ‘Divine Uttar Pradesh: The Must Visit Sacred Journey’ conclave, Yogi said that the Maha Kumbh is a testament to India’s rich spiritual and cultural legacy. “The event offers people from across the nation and the world a chance to reconnect with their ancient traditions and cultural roots,” he said.He said that its purpose goes beyond fostering religious devotion, aiming to inspire and guide future generations. The CM assured that both the Central and State Governments, under the guidance of revered saints, are working tirelessly to ensure the success and seamless execution of this monumental event.He said, “The upcoming Maha Kumbh will be a grand, divine, and digitally advanced event. Spanning across 10,000 acres, it will set an exemplary standard for cleanliness, security, and modernity. To enhance the convenience of devotees, a digital tourist map will facilitate monitoring the cleanliness of toilets, while an AI-powered security system integrated with smartphones will ensure safety. “The CM highlighted the significant economic benefits of events like the Maha Kumbh, which have a far-reaching impact on the state and national economy. He pointed out that the 2019 Kumbh contributed Rs 1.2 lakh crore to UP’s economic growth. “This year, with an expected turnout of 40 crore devotees, the event is projected to generate economic growth of up to Rs 2 lakh crore,” he said.He emphasised that the influx of devotees spurs spending on transportation, accommodation, food and other services, boosting local businesses and creating employment opportunities. Sharing insights, Yogi revealed that in 2024, over 16 crore devotees visited Kashi Vishwanath in Varanasi, while Ayodhya saw a footfall of more than 13.55 crore devotees from January 2024 to September.
He also underscored Maha Kumbh’s role in preserving and showcasing Prayagraj’s rich cultural and historical heritage. Iconic developments such as the Akshay Vat Corridor, Saraswati Koop Corridor, Patalpuri Corridor, and Maharishi Bhardwaj Corridor have been established in Prayagraj.”A majestic corridor and statue have been built at Shringaverpur, marking the historic meeting of Lord Rama and Nishad Raj,” he said. The CM emphasised the focus on environmental conservation in the planning of the Mahakumbh.He assured that no sewage or waste would be allowed to flow into the Ganga and Yamuna rivers.He said, “Advanced sewage treatment plants (STPs) and bio-remediation methods are employed to achieve this goal. Additionally, over 1.5 lakh toilets have been designed to ensure they are both hygienic and eco-friendly. “Praising Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visionary leadership, Yogi highlighted how India proudly embraces its ancient heritage under his guidance.He cited the transformative development of Kashi Vishwanath Dham, Ayodhya and Prayagraj, crediting the Prime Minister’s vision for elevating these sites to globally renowned centers of attraction. Yogi underscored that the Maha Kumbh is not merely a religious event but a symbol of social and spiritual unity.He said that the event will transform into the world’s largest temporary city, accommodating 50 lakh to 1 crore devotees at any time. The CM said that those unfamiliar with the science of river management might fail to understand that channelling a river enhances its vitality rather than diminishing its natural essence. He criticised individuals who, instead of embracing India’s rich heritage, take pride in associating themselves with the legacy of foreign invaders. Yogi said that such people oppose initiatives like the organisation of the Maha Kumbh, the development of Ayodhya, the transformation of Kashi, and the beautification of Mathura-Vrindavan, garnering global admiration.He said, “These individuals thrive on division—whether by caste, region, language, or other factors—and use such divides for political gain. Expecting a constructive approach from them would be futile. “Yogi emphasised that the Maha Kumbh serves a greater purpose: to instill new spiritual energy among the people and foster a sense of responsibility towards their nation and society. He exuded confidence that the event would convey a powerful message to the world, showcasing how spirituality and modernity coexist harmoniously.