Hot test of cryo engine with uprated thrust level success : ISRO

Chennai, Nov 10 (Agency) The Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO) has successfully hot tested the cryogenic engine with anuprated thrust level.ISRO today said the CE20 cryogenic engine indigenously developedfor LVM3 has been subjected to successful hot test at an upratedthrust level of 21.8 tonne for the first time yesterday. This will enhance the LVM3 payload capability up to 450 kg withadditional propellant loading. The major modifications carried out on this test article comparedto previous engines was introduction of Thrust Control Valve (TCV)for thrust control. In addition to this 3D printed LOX and LH2 turbine exhaust casingswere inducted in the engine for the first time.During this test the engine operated with Rs20t thrust level for first40 secs, then thrust level was increased to 21.8t by moving thrustcontrol valve.During the test, engine and facility performance was normal andrequired parameters were achieved.The LVM3 (GSLV-MkIII) in its second operational flight, had placed36 satellites of UK-based OneWeb to their intended orbits onOctober 23 after a majestic take off from the Second Launch Padat Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh.

This was a dedicated commercial mission for a foreign customerthrough NSIL.A total of 36 OneWeb Gen-1 satellites of about 150 kg each totallingabout 5,796 kg were launched to a circular low-earth orbit.The separation of satellites involved a unique maneouver of thecryogenic stage to orientation and re-orientation covering ninephases spanning 75 minutes. OneWeb had confirmed theacquisition of signals from the satellites. This was one of the biggest commercial orders executed by ISRO.With this launch, the LVM3 has made a grant entry into the globalmarket.