Hamirpur (HP), March 27 (Agency) Health care facilities worth Rs 236.16 crore have been provided to 2.58 lakh beneficiaries in the past three months under the ambitious Mukhyamantri HIM-CARE Yojana of Himachal Pradesh, the government said on Sunday. According to a Spokesman of the state Health department, the scheme is proving useful in giving better, free-of-cost and quality health treatment to the people in the state. He said under this scheme, a provision has been made for free treatment facility of Rs five lakh per year for up to five members of a family. If the number of members in the same family is more than five, then the provision has been made to make an additional card for the next five members with the facility of free treatment of Rs five lakh per year.
The registration process of HIM care scheme will now be open throughout the year and the card renewal period has been increased from one year to three years, which will be implemented from April 1, 2022, added the Spokesman. Under the National Health Mission, all those families who were not registered in Ayushman Bharat or were not government employees or retired pension holders, would become eligible for this scheme and E-cards will be issued to them. The process of enrollment/registration has been kept simple and the beneficiary can enroll by uploading his Aadhar card, ration card, mobile number and category certificate on the website, www.hpsbys.in. He can enroll by himself or take the help of Lokmitra Centers / Common Service Centers, he said.
A hospital registered under Ayushman Bharat in the state is eligible to provide free treatment facility. Under this scheme, the Himcare counter has been opened by the state government on the ground floor of the new OPD of Nehru Hospital in PGI Chandigarh, where the cardholders can avail free treatment. Apart from this, the benefit of free medical treatment is also being given under HIM care in the Medical College of Sector 32 in Chandigarh, added the Spokesman. he said from January 1, 2019 to March 25, 2022, 2.58 lakh beneficiaries have been provided free treatment facilities worth Rs 236.16 crore.