Confident that India-Israel friendship will notch up new successes in coming decades: PM

New Delhi, Jan 30 (FN Agency) As India and Israel mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of full diplomatic ties, Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a specially televised national address said on Saturday he is very confident that the friendship between the two countries will notch up new successes in bilateral cooperation. PM Modi said that 30 years ago, on this day, the two countries established full diplomatic ties, that marked the beginning of a new chapter in their bilateral ties.

“Though the chapter was new but the history of our ties is very old. Our people have shared strong ties for ages,” he said. He said that for thousands of years the Jewish community in India has been living without any kind of discrimination and in a friendly atmosphere and have thrived. “They have contributed majorly in our development journey,” he said. He said that with major changes taking place in the world today, the importance of India-Israel ties has grown even more. “And what can be a better time than this to set up new goals in our bilateral cooperation,” he added. PM Modi said that at a time when India is celebrating its 75 years of independence this year, and Israel will celebrate its 75 years next year, and when the two are celebrating 30 years of their diplomatic ties, “on the 30th anniversary of the diplomatic ties I convey my congratulations, and I am fully confident that the India-Israel friendship in the coming decades will notch up new successes in bilateral cooperation.”