CDS calls for strengthening India’s cyber defence capabilities

New Delhi May 22 (FN Representative) Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Anil Chauhan on Wednesday stressed on the critical need to strengthen India’s cyber defence capabilities, so as to enhance collaboration and integration among military and national cyber security organisations. The CDS also highlighted the critical need for jointness among all stakeholders in the cyber domain and praised the initiative for fostering a collaborative environment to tackle emerging cyber threats. General Chauhan attended the ‘Exercise Cyber Suraksha – 2024’, that aims to further develop Cyber Defence Capability of all cyber security organisations and promote synergy amongst all stakeholders.

It also focuses on enhancing collaboration and integration among participants from various military and prominent national organisations. The CDS commended the participants and staff for their dedication and efforts in organising the exercise. Exercise Cyber Suraksha – 2024 aims to empower participants by enhancing their cyber defence skills, techniques and capabilities; share best practices, and work towards a unified and robust cyber defence posture. It will promote jointmanship and synergy in planning and preparation of a cyber defence framework. The event reaffirms the commitment of the Indian Armed Forces to safeguarding national security in the increasingly important cyber domain.