‘39% Indians Avoid News, Find It Repetitive Or Overly Negative’

New Delhi, June 17 (Bureau) India is experiencing a significant increase in digital news consumption, driven by widespread Internet access and smartphone use, a new report has revealed. The Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2024 shows a shift towards online platforms for accessing news, indicating a growing preference for digital channels among the Indian audience. The survey was conducted between January and February of this year. The report highlights a continued shift towards digital platforms for accessing news. In India, increasing internet access and smartphone usage are driving more people to consume news online rather than through traditional media channels like newspapers or television. The report reveals that only a small proportion (5%) of Indian respondents have paid for online news in the past year.

This indicates that most news consumers in India prefer free access to digital content, posing a challenge for media organisations to generate revenue from their online platforms. Trust in media outlets in India remains a concern, with only 32% of respondents actively putting their trust in the news most of the time. Factors contributing to this scepticism include perceived bias, accuracy issues and transparency in reporting. The report notes that 39% of Indians are increasingly avoiding news, often due to its repetitive nature or for being overly negative. This shows a growing phenomenon known as news fatigue among Indian audiences, who feel overwhelmed by constant coverage of conflicts, disasters and political developments.

Indian media organisations are starting to embrace new formats like podcasts and video content to better connect with changing audience tastes. Podcasts, in particular, are trending, especially among the younger demographic. This trend not only offers a chance to vary how news is delivered but also provides an opportunity to captivate audiences with fresh and engaging storytelling approaches. The report advises Indian media to tackle issues like trust, news fatigue and sustainable revenue models. It points out the importance of investing in high-quality journalism, integrating technology effectively and adopting strategies to engage audiences which will help navigate the complexities of the digital era successfully.