Email Marketing | Mailing List Management and Best Practices

Keeping a handle on all your clients and customer contacts can seem overwhelming, knowing which are current, those who have renewed their subscriptions, or new additions and being organized can certainly help. However ensuring you have a proper email list management system in place will help you stay in the know, understand the growth and potential, and also assist in executing a more effective and efficient mass email marketing campaign or promotion. And once you have a solid foundation you can be sure your brand will only continue to expand and reach a wider audience. Email marketing has for years been highly effective, and some may think that it is a dying form of communication and advertising, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Mass email marketing is the perfect way to reach a larger, and often new demographic, and working with the best companies in the business to make this happen, such as Mailrelay, will help you deliver a quality message every time. You want to be sure your product, service being promoted, or appreciation is delivered to your contacts list in not only a timely manner but in bulk without costing a fortune. With that being said, and knowing Mailrelay as a sought-after marketing tool is ready to guide you on how to show the world your company in its best light, you still need to be sure that your client’s list is well structured and organized, and the top practices to do that is what we will dive in today. Let’s get started and see implementations regarding your email management that will maximize its efficacy and make life all that much easier.

Getting the ball rolling: A staggering 55% of consumers have commented that email marketing is their preferred method of communication with brands and companies. It’s direct, they offer clickable links, and you aren’t searching all over the web to find what you are looking for. A quality approach over a mass quantity of bombarded information always wins. To make this happen a few guidance tips will soon get you on the right footing; A helpful welcoming We are well aware that first impressions last, albeit an age-old statement it still rings true to this day. When developing an email to draw in new potential clients and retain existing ones think about what would catch their attention. You want a message that is sharp, and catchy, but also personalized, and adding in their names is a simple way to begin.

No hidden agendas to opt-in: Make sure you offer a clear way to sign up. When things are tedious or instructions are unclear it could cause your subscribers to unsubscribe later down the road because what they signed up for was not what they had initially expected. Segmenting your subscribers: Preferences and behaviors are a sure way of understanding how to divide your customers. Separating them into different groups and sections allows you to tailor your emails and messages to that specific demographic. This persona touch adds value to your brand and reputation but makes your clients feel valued that you understand what they are looking for, whilst offering new options too.

Scrubbing your email list: While this element of a large customer list is not favorable, taking the time to ‘scrub’ your list and free it from spam, fake, or deactivated email addresses will ensure your contacts list stays healthy and you are delivering your content to quality (real) customers.Reconnect with inactive customers If a customer seems to have dwindled from your brand there must be a reason. By activating a call-to-action survey and a research campaign you can narrow down the reason why the client opted to sign up initially, but what changed that made them stray away. Easing the unsubscribing process: While we may not enjoy this element, making a customer struggle to opt out is also a negative. It affects trust and could cause more damage than you expect. Allow them to leave, but take a moment to understand the reason why and then work on that element for a more effective method moving forward. There is always a silver lining to a situation. Top email management system: Well, this goes without saying, if you want a quality result you need to work with a quality ingredient, and in this case, there is no better suited for the task than Mailrelay as your marketing tool of choice. And once you work with the best, why would you settle for anything less, right? With a few simple adjustments and integrations and then collaborating with top industry experts and utilizing their wealth of knowledge, you can be sure your future business is in good hands and will be on the up and up.