All-round balance true essence of yoga: exponent

The true essence of yoga lies in achieving an all-round balance, while serving as a bridge between one’s physical and mental health coordination, asserted Dr Ishwar Basavaraddi, former director of Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga and chairman of Appaa Yoga Academy, New Delhi, on Wednesday. Speaking at concluding ceremony of two-day International Yoga conference held on behalf of Maharashtriya Mandal’s Chandrashekhar College of Physical Education here, he said, “There are different types of yoga, and there is a distinct diversity that can be observed in these types. Yoga has always been a crucial part of the Indian culture, which has imparted its diverse techniques to us.”

“In recent times, India has become the ‘World Guru’ only because of yoga, and it is a matter of pride for us to see the world acknowledge our culture and yoga. Today, more than 27 crore people across the world practice yoga on a daily basis,” yoga exponent said. “With the growth of yoga across the globe, our responsibility as Indians is increasing, and its future is now in the hands of youths. I believe that Indian tradition is carried forward when one person teaches yoga to the other,” added Dr Basavaraddi.