Vienna/New Delhi, Sep 10 (Agency) Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Friday said the Indians in Austria are goodwill ambassadors of their motherland. Referring to their contribution, Birla said the Indian Diaspora has served both their native and their adopted lands through their sterling contribution in various fields in Austria. According to a statement issued by Lok Sabha Secretariat in New Delhi, Birla said that the Indian Diaspora represents India’s cultural, linguistic and religious diversities while living abroad and that these citizens act as India’s soft power in international diplomacy.
Addressing Indian Diaspora at Vienna, Austria, the Lok Sabha Speaker said India and Austria have friendly and cordial relations and the two countries have a long tradition of cooperation in multilateral institutions on various international issues. Praising the tireless efforts of Indians living in Austria, he said that the credit for the growth of trade between the two countries also goes to the Indian community.