Chinese, Japanese FMs hold talks on relations

Beijing, Apr 3 (Representative) Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang held talks with Yoshimasa Hayashi, Japan’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, in Beijing on Sunday. Noting this year marks the 45th anniversary of the signing of the China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship, Qin said the two sides should, in line with the consensus between the leaders of the two countries, review the spirit of the treaty, strengthen exchanges and communication, and overcome difficulties while advancing bilateral ties. He said a profound lesson from bilateral relations over the past half-century is that peaceful coexistence and friendly cooperation are the only correct choices for both sides. Noting the four political documents between China and Japan have laid a political and legal foundation for bilateral ties, Qin said keeping promises and drawing lessons from history is the prerequisite for the steady and long-term growth of China-Japan relations. He called on Japan to have a correct understanding of China, work with the Chinese side to enhance dialogue and communication, promote practical cooperation, increase people-to-people exchanges, and properly manage differences to build a China-Japan relationship that meets the requirements of the new era.

Regarding the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean, the Chinese foreign minister urged Japan to handle the disposal responsibly, as it is a major issue concerning public health and the safety of humanity. On the Taiwan question, Qin said it is the very core of the core interests of China, which bears on the political foundation of China-Japan relations. China urges Japan to abide by the principles enshrined in the four political documents between the two countries and its commitment so far, and refrain from interfering in the Taiwan question or undermining China’s sovereignty in any form, he said. In the case of a Japanese citizen suspected of engaging in espionage activities in China, Qin stressed China would handle it following relevant laws. For his part, Hayashi expressed Japan’s willingness to work with China, implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, abide by the four political documents between Japan and China, properly handle issues of common concern, promote the building of constructive and stable Japan-China relations, and jointly contribute to regional and global prosperity and stability as responsible countries. The two sides also exchanged views on international and regional issues, including the cooperation between China, Japan and the Republic of Korea, the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and the reform of the United Nations Security Council.