New Delhi, Oct 12 (Agency) The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Tuesday registered a case against a partner of an Ahmedabad based private company, then Superintending Archaeologist, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), National Monuments Authority(NMA), the agency said. It was alleged that the accused in connivance with unknown officials of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, ASI, NMA and other unknown people had committed irregularities while granting No Objection Certificates, extension for construction, reconstruction in prohibited or regulated area of centrally protected monument and violated the rules and regulations of Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act during the year 2006 to 2018, CBI said. It was also alleged that the officials of ASI granted NOC to a private company for constructions in the regulated and prohibited areas, which were classified as national monuments.
It was alleged that some people arranged an amount of Rs 30 lakh and handed over it to a public servant for issuance of revalidation letter signed by then member secretary of NMA, New Delhi for construction in his premises. They allegedly paid a certain amount to another public servant for issuance of revalidation letter for construction, the CBI statement said. Searches were conducted at 9 locations including residential and official premises of the accused in Ahmedabad and Vadodara, Khajuraho, New Delhi and Karnataka, which led to recovery of incriminating documents. Cash amount of Rs 26,75,000 from the premises of the person and Silver bricks weighing about 6.5 kg from the premises of then Administrative Officer, NMA were also recovered, the agency said.