Bangladesh, France agree to work on cooperation in maritime security, blue economy

Dhaka, Nov 10 (Bureau) Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and French President Emanuel Macron have agreed to work towards regional peace and stability and to explore further opportunities for cooperation in maritime security and blue economy. The Bangladesh PM is on a five day visit to Paris after attending the COP26 in Glasgow. Bangladesh and France share the same vision of a free, open, peaceful, secure and inclusive Indo-Pacific region based on international law, according to the joint statement issued after the meeting between Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and the French President Emanuel Macron in Paris.

Taking note of the French and European strategies concerning the Indo-Pacific, Hasina and Macron during the meeting agreed to work towards regional peace and stability and to explore further opportunities for cooperation in maritime security and blue economy. According to the joint statement released on Tuesday, both countries also decided to step up the security component of their partnership, especially in the area of training. They also expressed commitment to step up cooperation in the area of defence equipment and potential technology transfer. On the issue of connectivity in South Asia, the joint statement welcomed the work of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) on connectivity and the European approach to global connectivity. Both the countries agreed to increase their cooperation to strengthen connectivity in South Asia.

Taking note of the priorities expressed by Bangladesh to develop the aeronautic and aerospace sectors, both countries agreed for closer cooperation in this sector. On the Rohingya issue, France acknowledged the generosity of Bangladesh in sheltering the Rohingya refugees. Both countries expressed the need to enable the voluntary, safe, dignified and sustainable return of Rohingya refugees to Myanmar, the statement added.