2 world’s rare species discovered in Myanmar

Naypyidaw, Dec 26 (Agency) Two world’s rare species are reportedly seen inhabiting in Indawgyi Lake in Myanmar’s Kachin state, according to the Ministry of Information on Sunday. Two world’s rare species — Microphis Dunckeris and Syngnathidae (pipefish) that are only endemic to Indawgyi Lake are recently seen at the lake, the ministry said. The other four species that have not been recorded in marine science are also inhabiting in the lake. Indawgyi Lake, which is also the third-largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia, is home to over 160 bird species including globally threatened rare water birds.

The lake was designated as an ASEAN heritage park due to its ecological importance in 2004 and as a Ramsar (wetland) Site due to its unique bird population and wetlands in early 2016. UNESCO designated the lake as a Man and Biosphere Reserve (MAB) among the non-governmental organization’s global network of 669 reserves in June 2017.