New Delhi, Jan 21 (Agency) Mohit Raina, protagonist of Bhaukaal 2 web series released on MX Player, said he truly respects the sacrifices made by the police personnel towards the society on daily basis and especially during Covid time and expressed his gratitude to the police of all over India for their selfless services. MX Player team on Friday organised a virtual conference with Mohit Raina along with real life heroes of Delhi Police, where the actor interacted with police personnel, he said the positive role of police towards the society and to curb crime as well as how the police based movies and web series has helped in improving the perception of police among the public and to showcase the challenging lifestyle.
The actor said the actual meaning of Bhaukaal is “to create fear among the criminals about the Law and generate confidence among the common man.” The selected 75 attendees of Delhi Police included the police personnel, who had done exceptional police work like nabbing the robbers, snatchers or solving heinous cases to curb crime as well as helping the public during COVID period by donating blood/plasma to the needy, taking the senior citizen or specially abled persons to hospital for vaccination, arranging food in association with Social workers and NGOs, joined the interaction session from the office premise of Sadar Bazar Police Station, which has been selected as the number one Police Station of India by Ministry of Home Affairs. As the Bhaukaal web series is inspired from the real life story of police personnel, hence North District police took the opportunity of official release of Bhaukaal-2 to boost its field functionaries through a motivational interactive session with the main character of web series, said Sagar Singh Kalsi, Deputy Commissioner of Police, North Delhi.