As fans wait in anticipation for Badshah’s new song, Heelein Toot Gayi from Indoo Ki Jawani, lead actor Kiara Advani teased the netizens with a glimpse of her glamourous look in the track. Sharing her smoking hot picture on social media platform, Kiara set Bollywood divas including Athiya Shetty, Mrunal Thakur and even South sensation Samantha Akkineni swooning over it. Taking to her Instagram handle, Kiara shared a picture featuring her in a golden bling saree by the Indian fashion designer, Manish Malhotra. The six yards of elegance was custom-made for Indoo Ki Jawani’s upcoming song which is all set to drop today i.e. November 27. The sparkling pre-draped saree flaunted her well-toned abs and curves perfectly and came with a golden sequined strap blouse featuring a deep-cut neck. Leaving her mid-parted soft curls open, the actor was seen wearing a nude lipstick shade, smokey eyes makeup and highlighted cheeks.
Accessorising her look with only a finger ring and an emerald green bling clutch, Kiara set the Internet on fire with her ravishing looks. While designer Masaba Gupta and actor Athiya Shetty left fire emojis in the comments section, Samantha gushed, “Oooo la la (sic)” and Manish went “Ufff ufff ufff (sic).” Not surprisingly, the picture grabbed over 2.1 million likes instantly while still going strong. The movie also stars Aditya Seal as the male lead while the song, Heelein Toot Gayi, features singer Guru Randhawa alongside the lead actors. The song is already creating a buzz and has been crooned by rapper Badshah. Indoo Ki?Jawani will release in theatres on?December 11 this year instead of having an OTT release like other films amid the coronavirus pandemic.