New Delhi, July 26 (Agency) Actress and singer Jennifer Lopez recently celebrated her birthday in a stunning Bridgerton-themed gown designed by renowned Indian fashion designer Manish Malhotra. The exquisite outfit, which has garnered admiration from several Bollywood celebrities, showcased Malhotra’s signature craftsmanship and attention to detail. Malhotra took to Instagram to share images of Lopez’s birthday ensemble, expressing his excitement and honour. “An honour to dress the iconic @jlo for her birthday with the fun Bridgerton theme party… Custom couture… Corset and the Victorian skirt with vintage brocade,” he wrote. The designer further elaborated on the intricate details of the gown, stating, “Crafted by 40 artisans over 3,490 hours, the corset and Victorian skirt feature a floral motif moulded by hand from sequins and over half a million crystals. Petal and ring-shaped metal sequins were especially treated to preserve their hue to craft this ensemble, a celebration of intricate artistry and Indian craftsmanship.”
Bollywood stars have been quick to shower Malhotra with praise. Filmmaker Karan Johar shared Malhotra’s post on his Instagram Stories, writing, “So so so proud @manishmalhotra05!!!!! This is beyond amazing.” Actress Malaika Arora commented, “This is awesome Manu,” while Khushi Kapoor simply said, “Amazing.” Bhumi Pednekar and Shanaya Kapoor exclaimed, “Wow,” and Sophie Choudry remarked, “This is just so frikkin awesome MM! So proud of all that you are doing.” Actor Pulkit Samrat reacted with, “Woah,” and Taha Shah Badussha added a red heart.Other celebrities including Priyanka Chopra, Alia Bhatt, Katrina Kaif, Janhvi Kapoor, Arjun Kapoor, Mira Rajput, and Neha Dhupia showed their appreciation by liking Malhotra’s post. The designer’s recent success comes on the heels of dressing other international personalities such as Kim Kardashian and Khloé Kardashian for Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s wedding, further cementing his reputation in the global fashion scene.