Chennai, Jan 2 (Agency) The Indian Media Works hosted the Mr, Miss and Mrs Tamizhagam 2024 event in the city. The Mr Tamizhagam titles were won by Bharadwaj, Jude, Ibrahim and Manav; Miss Tamizhagam titles by Anusha and Keethana and Mrs Tamizhagam titles were won by Rakshana and Seeta Laxmi. The event saw enthusiastic participation from contestants across Tamil Nadu, making it a memorable occasion, according to a press release here on Thursday. In this pageant, Bharadwaj and Jude emerged as the winners of the Mr. Tamizhagam 2024 title, while Keerthana was crowned as Miss Tamizhagam 2024. The title of Mrs. Tamizhagam 2024 was crowned to Rakshana. The 1st Runner Up was Ibrahim and 2nd Runner Up was Manav Patel for the Mr.Tamizhagam category. The 1st Runner Up was Anusha and 2nd Runner Up was Sinamika for the Miss Tamizhagam category, and 1st Runner Up was Preethi as well as Mrs.
Goddess Tamizhagam 2024 was Seetalakshmi, in the Mrs. Tamizhagam category. The winners were honoured, While the Mr. Tamizhagam titleholders were given prizes by Vijay Kapoor, the owner of Derby Jeans, while the Miss and Mrs. Tamizhagam winners were crowned and felicitated by renowned actresses Roshini and Ammu Abhirami. The event was brought to life by the impeccable choreography of leading fashion choreographer Faheem. Addressing the press and media, Mr. John Amalan, Managing Director of Indian Media Works, said the Mr, Miss & Mrs Tamizhagam 2024 had been conducted with the utmost grandeur and excellence this year. He believed that the winners of this season are extraordinarily talented and meant to become the biggest stars of tomorrow. To ensure this, Indian Media Works has selected only the best and most deserving contestants for the prestigious titles. Further, he announced that the title winners of this pageant would be directly selected for the national-level competition happening in Goa.