Panaji, May 7 (FN Agency) Bollywood actor Madhuri Dixit on Saturday said that things may take time to happen according to one’s will but one should always continue to do the good work consistently. In conversation with actress Tisca Chopra at Goafest 2022, Bollywood’s ‘Dhak Dhak’ girl Madhuri Dixit said, “I came to the movies very early but started questioning my decision as it was not working out for me. But I continued to put in the good work and then Tezaab proved to be an overnight success. So, I say to everyone here, things may take time, but always continue to do the good work consistently.” Madhuri credited her mom for supporting and holding her hand through that initial phase. She said, “My mother told me to give it my all and to put in the hard work with dedication. She believed in me and was an immense source of encouragement and support to me. “It’s the little things in life which inspire me like someone’s smile or the amazing performances by the children on ‘Dance Deewane’, the reality show.”
Speaking about her family, ‘Aaja Nachle’ actor said that it was a dream of hers to have a family. She also spoke about the decade she spent in the US after she married cardiovascular and thoracic surgeon Dr Shriram Nene. She also narrated an incident where she said she got her neighbors in Denver to watch Bollywood films and joked about how she got the industry a new set of fans. ‘The Fame Game’ actor spoke about her love for reels on Instagram and how much she enjoys making them. During her conversation, she dropped a hint about a song that will be released soon, on her birthday, called ‘Tu Hai Mera’ dedicating it to all her fans for their love and support throughout her career.