New Delhi, Dec 6 (Representative) Christmas 2023 promises to look brighter with the arrival of Pradhan, presented by Atanu Raychaudhuri, produced by Bengal Talkies, Dev Entertainment Ventures & Pranab Kumar Guha and directed by the ace filmmaker, Avijit Sen.Following the phenomenal success of their previous collaboration, Tonic, the power-packed duo of Dev and Paran Bandopadhyay are ready to captivate the audiences with their stellar performances. The trailer launch of Pradhan, held at the Bengal Club, was a star-studded affair as the lead cast, including Dev, Paran Bandopadhyay, Soham, Mamata Shankar, Anirban Chakraborti & debutante Soumitrisha amongst others were in attendance. “After the resounding success of Projapati, we are ready with our next Christmas release, Pradhan, set in the backdrop of North Bengal, which tells the story of Police Inspector, Deepak Pradhan. We have once again collaborated with Avijit Sen, Dev and Paran Bandopadhyay and are keen to witness the audience reaction to their chemistry on the big screen,” said Atanu Raychaudhuri, presenter of the film who has delivered back to back hits from his production house, Bengal Talkies. The film promises a gripping narrative filled with emotions, intense action sequences, and mind-blowing performances that will undoubtedly leave the audience on the edge of their seats.
“The chemistry between Dev and Paran Bandopadhyay is expected to elevate the cinematic experience to newer heights in Pradhan. As the trailer was launched today, we gear up for the mega release of the film that will be a true example of vitality, courage, love and myriad expressions. I am confident that Soham and Anirban’s performance will leave the audience mesmerized,” said Director Avijit Sen. The trailer offers a tantalizing glimpse into the world of Pradhan, showcasing the range of emotions, power-packed action and the brilliance of the cast. Audience can expect an enthralling cinematic journey that transcends genres and delivers an unforgettable experience. Pradhan has Sujay Datta Ray as the Editor, Gopi Bhagat as the DOP, Tanmoy Chakraborty as the Art Director, Anindit Ray & Adip Singh Manky as the Sound Designers and Rajarshi Mukherjee & Jayanti Sen as the Costume Designers. Shantanu Moitra, Anupam Roy and Rathijit Bhattacharya have composed the songs for the movie. The lyrics are by Anupam Roy and Prosen. Script & Dialogues are by Subhadip Das.Pradhan is scheduled for a theatrical release on December 22.