Srinagar, July 17 (Agency) Indian Army on Sunday organized a ‘Run for Fun’ event as a part of Kargil Victory celebrations in a remote village T’Suntwari in Macchal sector near the Line of Control (LoC) in frontier Kashmir district of Kupwara. A defence ministry spokesman said the small mountain road of T’Suntwari was abuzz with activity since the morning with more than 160 villagers of different age groups including 30 girls from the nearby villages of ChuntwariOayeen , Dhoban and Hajimolla joining the ‘Run For Fun’ event organised by the local Army unit.
T’Suntwari is a small village in the remote outskirts of the district of Kupwara. It hardly has any traffic with a daily volume of only four to five vehicles or a couple of ponies on its non-metalled roads. The Indian Army has dedicated this month for Kargil Victory Celebrations and continued to do so in the Villages close to the LoC. The villagers participated with zeal and fervour in the event which culminated after an awareness lecture on the Agnipath Scheme for entry into the Armed Forces.