New Delhi, Mar 18 (FN Agency) Ajay Devgn’s latest supernatural horror thriller, “Shaitaan,” has crossed the coveted Rs 100 crore mark in box office collection, and totals an impressive 104 crore in just ten days since its release on March 8. In its second weekend, “Shaitaan” continued to perform strongly, raking in a commendable Rs 24 crore net. Despite a drop of a little over 55 percent from its opening weekend, the film’s actual value drop was closer to 50 percent, showcasing a solid hold at the box office. Directed by Vikas Bahl and produced by Devgn Films, Jio Studios, and Panorama Studios, “Shaitaan” features a stellar cast including Ajay Devgn, R. Madhavan, Jyothika, Janki Bodiwala, and Anngad Raaj. It is a remake of the 2023 Gujarati film “Vash.”
Looking ahead, “Shaitaan” is aiming for a final target of Rs 150 crore, with high expectations for its performance against competition from films like “The Crew” and “Godzilla x Kong” in the coming weeks. Despite facing new releases such as “Yodha,” “Bastar,” and “Kung Fu Panda 4,” “Shaitaan” has comfortably outperformed them at the box office. Moviegoers can catch “Shaitaan” at a theatre near them, with tickets available for purchase at box offices and through online ticketing platforms. With its success, “Shaitaan” has emerged as one of the top-performing films of the year, with a promising trajectory that could potentially surpass even the successful “Fighter.”