Hyderabad, Aug 12 (Agency) Customs officials at the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport (RGIA) in Shamshabad near here on Saturday seized 8 kilograms of smuggled gold worth Rs 4.86 crore from four passengers. An official release said, in the first case, 2 kilograms of cut gold bars worth Rs 1,21,34,000 was concealed in a passenger’s trousers. The passenger has arrived from Bangkok. In the second case, 1.78 kilograms of cut gold bars, valued at Rs 1,08,81,165, was discreetly hidden within clothing.
This contraband was recovered from a passenger who arrived on the same flight from Bangkok. In the third case, gold in paste form was concealed by a passenger arrived from Sharjah. The passener was found to be carrying 2.17 kilograms of gold, valued at Rs 1,31,77,524. Similarly, in the fourth case, a passenger arrived from Dubai was found carrying 2.05 kilograms of gold valued at Rs 1,24,31,283 and concealed in paste form within the undergarments. The four passengers were arrested under the provisions of the Customs Act. Investigation is underway.