New Delhi, March 24 (Bureau) The Supreme Court on Thursday ordered a CBI probe into all cases lodged against former Mumbai Police Commissioner Param Bir Singh by the Maharashtra Police. The allegations raised by and against Param Bir Singh are to be investigated by the Central Bureau of Investigation, an apex court Bench headed by Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul said. “We do not deem it appropriate to delve into the matter in detail,” the judges said. “We are unable to accept the findings of the High Court which treats these as service disputes. We set aside the High Court verdict,” the bench said.
“We direct that further proceedings in the five FIRs be transferred to the CBI. All the five FIRs against Param Bir Singh to be probed by the CBI,” the court said. All records are to be transferred to CBI within one week. The judges made it clear their ruling was not a reflection on the Maharashtra Police, which they said was respected. “We cannot accept the argument that when a person in power loses power, then persons below him come out and file FIRs,” the court said. “We are of the opinion that the state itself should have offered for investigation to be carried out,” the Bench said. The exigencies and advancement of fair play required to be investigated and so the cases were being moved to the CBI.
The Supreme Court passed the order after hearing a plea filed by Param Bir Singh seeking transfer of cases of alleged misconduct and corruption to the CBI. Singh told the court that he should be treated like a whistleblower and be given safeguards. “If the CBI finds anything in their investigation against me, I’m ready to face the music,” he said. The Maharashtra government said it was not in favour of handing over the cases against Param Bir Singh to the CBI as this may have a demoralising effect on the police force of the state.