New Delhi, Jan 14 (Agency) National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Thursday filed a Supplementary Chargesheet in NIA Court, Lucknow against an accused in a case related to recovery of Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN). The man, identified as Sariful Islam, is a resident of West Bengal’s Malda district. Anti-Terrorist Squad of Uttar Pradesh police had recovered fake currency, having face value of Rs 2.49 lakhs, from Ghaziabad on December 11, 2019. Initially, an FIR was registered on the same day in ATS police station, Lucknow, the NIA statement said.
NIA had re-registered the case on February 2, 2020, and took over the probe and after investigation, a chargesheet was filed against one accused on June 5, 2020, and another Supplementary chargesheet was filed against two accused on March 25, last year. Investigation revealed that the earlier chargesheeted accused had allegedly received counterfeit Indian currency from Sariful, who was chargesheeted on January 13, this year. Sariful was allegedly in contact with Bangladesh based smugglers and conspirators involved in illicit trafficking of fake Indian currency, NIA statement said.