Srinagar, July 10 (Agency) In a major breakthrough, the Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) seized 108 Kg of gold biscuits and apprehended two suspects near the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Eastern Ladakh. The ITBP termed it the biggest haul seized on the International border. The 108 gold biscuits weighing 108 kg was seized near Sirigaple. This is so far the biggest haul seized on the International border, Inspector General ITBP North West Frontier Clay Khongsi told media persons in Leh on Wednesday. IG Khongsi said that the ITBP personnel during a Long Range Patrolling (LRP) in the border areas in southern Sub-sector in Eastern Ladakh to check infiltration as well smuggling were moving towards the International border on Tuesday, he said. He said there were some inputs of smuggling taking place in the area near Sirigaple, Ladakh. The ITBP personnel spotted two suspected persons 1 km ahead of the International border who were asked to come forward for identification. On being called to, the two tried to flee towards the International border.
However, the patrolling party overpowered them and arrested them both. The IG said that initially the two said that they were collecting medicinal plants but later patrolling found huge quantities of gold and other items from them. On their search, about 108 kg of gold, Chinese food items, Binoculars, mobile phones, knives two, pony’s two, Hammer 1, Noise plier 1 and other edible items were seized. The two were identified as 40-year-old Tenzen Targy and 69-year-old Tsering Chamba residents of Henley. The arrested persons will be interrogated by the police and other agencies, he added. Asked if mobile phones provide any link, the officer said that one more person has been picked up for questioning. He said the case is in its initial stage and could not ascertain any major chain and will get to the bottom of this case through investigations. The seized gold along with the suspects have been handed over to Customs department for further questioning and needful action as enshrined in the law, the statement said.