Haryana vigilance arrests prime accused Jail chief in bribery case

Chandigarh, May 30 (Bureau) Haryana State Vigilance Bureau has arrested the absconding Jail Superintendent accused of taking bribe after he surrendered in the court complex in Narnaul district. Stating this here on Monday, a Vigilance Bureau spokesperson informed that accused Rewari Jail Superintendent Anil Kumar, who was looking after the additional work of Narnaul Jail, was declared proclaimed offender by the court on April 18, 2022. Anil Kumar had earlier applied for anticipatory bail in Punjab and Haryana High Court and even the Supreme Court of India, but the same was rejected due to proper ‘pairvi’ and follow-up in this high profile case by the Vigilance Bureau and since then, raids were being conducted to nab him, he said. Anil Kumar was accused of demanding bribe from jail inmates through two subordinates for facilitating them in the Rewari jail complex.

The system of taking money from criminals in both Narnaul and Rewari jails had been going on for a long time, the information of which was received by the Vigilance Bureau. Acting on the basis of this information, on December 9, 2021, the Bureau’s team raided Narnaul Jail complex and caught jail warden Rajan red-handed while accepting Rs 1 lakh bribe from Hansraj, the brother of Sandeep, a henchman of a notorious gangster. During the raid, another jail warden Gaje Singh was also arrested for his involvement in the bribery. During investigation, it came to the fore that both jail wardens had taken money on the instructions of the Jail Superintendent Anil Kumar to provide facilities to prisoners. It was also revealed that Jail authorities in Narnaul and Rewari were charging a hefty amount for providing a range of services including choice barracks, facility to use mobile phones and even drugs. After the registration of a case under the Prevention of Corruption Act, the Police remand of the accused will be sought from the court to ascertain the details of properties that he acquired through corrupt practice.