New Delhi, Sep 9, (Agency) Delhi Police on Thursday arrested a foreign national and recovered eight cartons of liquor from him. According to the police, Edidiong (38), who is a foreign national, was allegedly indulging in stocking and supplying large quantities of liquor. Over eight cartons containing 180 bottles of liquor were recovered from his possession. In a special drive against liquor supply, on September 8, a police team was deployed on intensive patrolling at Khirki Extension in Malviya Nagar.
Around 7:45 pm, during patrolling, when they reached near Bihari Street Khirki Extension, cops received secret information that a foreign national was selling liquor illegally at J- Block of Khirki Extension. The information was relayed and a trap was laid in and around the area. A raid was conducted and apprehended a man, who is Nigeria national. On search, large quantities of liquor have been found in his room. A case under Delhi Excise Act was registered in Malviya Nagar Police Station, the police said. He was previously found to be involved in Foreigner Act in the same PS, Atul Kumar Thakur, DCP, south Delhi, said.