New Delhi, May 13 (Bureau) Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) caught two persons including a Sub-Registrar-VI-E posted in Delhi’s Libaspur, Swarup Nagar in an alleged bribe case. The probe agency has registered a case against both persons in an alleged bribe charge. The accused identified as Sumita Sharma, Sub Registrar-VI-E and Raju (Private Person) had allegedly demanded Rs 55 thousand from the complainant for registration of Will-Deeds of various clients, CBI said in a statement.
It has been alleged that the demand of Rs 55 thousand was for the deeds already registered and Rs 2 thousand per Deed for remaining 7-8 Will-Deeds pending for registration, it said. CBI laid a trap and caught the accused while allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs 70 thousand from the complainant, it added. Searches were conducted at the residential and official premises of both the accused in New Delhi.