Shillong, Dec 8 (Agency) Border Security Force (BSF) troopers on Tuesday seized 58 country made boats carrying 45,000 kg of dry pea, entering inside the Indian territory through the Lakra river along the India-Bangladesh border in Meghalaya. The boats were just about to unload the smuggling stuff carried by them and hand over the consignment to their Indian counterparts before they got nabbed by BSF near village Lakra Basti. The seized boats and dry peas were worth more than Rs 68 lakh, BSF spokesperson, U.K. Nayal said. After lockdown, recurrent seizures by the vigil BSF troops exhibit the surge in attempts at smuggling at International border, although BSF Meghalaya keep on belying the expectations of smugglers time to time through its grueling efforts and brisk actions, he said.
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