Hyderabad, Dec 19 (Agency) The sleuths of Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) on Wednesday registered a case against the former Deputy Superintendent of Police, Enforcement, HMDA and Outsourcing Security Guard for taking a bribe amount of Rs 2 lakh. The former DSP, Enforcement, HMDA, (presently waiting for posting) Gyara Jagan demanded bribe amount of Rs 4 lakh and accepted Rs 2 lakh as part payment near his office while he was working as DSP, Enforcement, HMDA, Hyderabad through Bonela Ramu, Security Guard (Outsourcing) in Office of HMDA from the complainant Bommina Koteswara Rao, Managing Partner of Prajapati Constructions & Developers, Hyderabad to do an official favour. The bribe amount was demanded by the former DSP from the complainant to overlook the deviations in the apartmentsat Mallampet (V) in Dundigal Municipality constructed by the complainant, an ACB release here said. The accused Officer Jagan performed his duty improperly and dishonestly. Searches at the residence of the Ex-DSP and other places are in progress. Jagan and Ramu were being arrested and produced before the Principal Special Judge for SPE and ACB cases, Hyderabad, the release added.
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