Win prizes worth lakhs in RBI 90 Quiz, online registration closes by Sep 17

Hamirpur (HP), Sep 9 (FN Agency) There is an opportunity to win prizes worth lakhs of rupees in the quiz competition being organised for graduate level students to commemorate the completion of 90 years of the establishment of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Online registration can be done till September 17 for this competition to be organised at various levels. Ajay Katna, Director of Punjab National Bank Rural Self-Employment Training Institute (RSET) Hamirpur and District Coordinator of the competition, said that the first phase of the competition will be held from 19 to 21 September, which will be organized through online medium. In the next phases, state, zonal, and national level competitions will be offline.

The age of the participants should not be more than 25 years. In this competition, the first prize at the national level will be Rs 10 lakh, the second prize Rs 8 lakh, and the third prize Rs 6 lakh. Cash prizes will also be given at the state and zonal level. Katna said that complete details of the competition are also available on the RBI website. The director said that he himself is personally visiting various colleges in Hamirpur district and motivating the students to participate in this competition. He has also appealed to the principals of all the colleges to motivate the maximum number of students of their respective institutions to participate in this competition.