‘Spanish type’ high oleic groundnut advantageous compared to Vigrinia-type’ : ICRISAT

Hyderabad, Nov 19 (FN Agency) India’s first ‘Spanish type’ high oleic groundnut developed recently by researchers at ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ) in partnership with the Junagadh Agricultural University (JAU), Gujarat, is advantageous compared to the initial varieties (Girnar 4 and 5) of the ‘Virginia-type’. Groundnut oil considered as good as olive oil was made possible with the development of high oleic acid varieties. Now, a new variety identified for national release opens promising avenues for India, parts of Southeast Asia and Africa. Spanish lines occupy a significant area across India, Southeast Asia and Africa, while the less popular Virginia lines are limited to the Indian states of Rajasthan and parts of Gujarat, according to ICRISAT.

The new groundnut line being high yielding, drought tolerant and resistant to foliar diseases will help increase the income of farmers and traders in India and enhance export opportunities for Indian groundnut. The growing demand for groundnut oil in the pharmaceuticals and personal care sectors has further boosted its share in the global market, which is expected to account for USD 3.28 billion by 2029,” said Dr Janila Pasupuleti, Cluster Leader, Accelerated Crop Improvement, ICRISAT. The new groundnut line has recorded 80.7 percent oleic acid and 3.6 percent linoleic acid content. It has a protein content of 26 percent and an oil content of 51 percent. High oleic acid content indicates improved quality of groundnut oil with an increased shelf life of up to six months, Dr pasupuleti said. A higher acid content also helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and obesity.

The new variety of groundnut matures in 113 days in the kharif (rainy) season. Significant commercial advantage is that high oleic acid groundnuts are preferred for confectionary products and peanut butter. Its kernel exhibits a desirable ‘nutty flavor’ that is enhanced when roasted. The new variety GG40 (ICGV 16668) was developed by a team of groundnut breeders at ICRISAT in partnership with Main Oilseeds Research Station (MORS) JAU, Gujarat. The new line departs from conventional breeding techniques and was bred through marker-assisted backcrossing at ICRISAT. Multi-environment testing resulted in the selection of this line based on its superior performance across locations and was recommended for national testing by JAU. “The new groundnut line is recommended for cultivation in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Telangana and Maharashtra during the rainy season,” said Dr RB Madariya, Head in charge-Research Scientist (Groundnut), MORS JAU.