Mumbai, Jul 6 (FN Agency) The BSE Sensex on Tuesday fell marginally by 18.82 pts to settle at 52,861.18 as selling was seen in Auto, Technology, IT and Health Care stocks. The Nifty too eased by 16.10 pts to 15,818.25. A see-saw trend was seen during the day, as the Sensex opened in red at 52,874.85, fell by 6 pts. It was dropped by 76 pts to 52,804.18, days low, before closing at 52,861.18, easing by 18.82 pts from its previous close. Meanwhile, it was surged by 249 pts to 53,129.37 days high.
The Sensex registered days high and low at 53,129.37 and 52,804.18 pts respectively. The Nifty recorded days high and low at 15,914.20 and 15,801 pts respectively. The sectoral indices like Auto, Technology, IT, Energy and Health Care dragged the market. Scrips that declined were Tech Mahindra, TCS, Maruti Suzuki, Infosys and Sun Pharma. The Mid Cap rose by 0.19 pc while the Small-Cap fell by 0.26 pc. In 30 scrips, 10 advanced while 20 declined.