Reduce GST on millet based products- Arukh

Bhubaneswar, Oct 7 (FN Representative) Odisha Minister of Finance Bikram Keshari Arukh on Saturday urged the GST Council to reduce the GST rates on millet based products. Participating in the GST Council meeting held at New Delhi under the Chairmanship of Union Fiancé Minister Nirmala Sitaraman, Arukh said by reducing the GST rates on millet-based products, the government can make them more affordable and accessible. The move can encourage more people to incorporate millets into their diet, leading to better health outcomes and supporting the local millet farmers. Exemption of GST on millet based health mix consisting of at least 70 percent of millet sold in loose condition will help to augment value-added millet products and overall development of business opportunities especially for women entrepreneurs of SHG in Odisha.

Moreover, reduction of GST Rate will fulfil the demand for ensuring the economic stimulus to entrepreneurs engaged in production of millet based health mix, he said. Arukha said Odisha submitted a proposal for exemption of GST on services offered by DMF Trust. Fitment Committee examined the proposal and recommended to clarify that DMFT is a “Governmental Authority” and thus eligible for the same exemptions as available to any other “Governmental Authority” in the present scheme of things. In the last two years, DMFT has paid GST to the extent of Rs.776/- Crore out of the DMF Fund collected solely for the purpose of socio-economic development and welfare of the people in mining affected areas.

Arukha requested to consider the proposal of Odisha for socio-economic development and welfare of the people in mining affected areas. The exemption presently allowed to the State Government, Central Government and Local Authorities on expenditure on pure services/composite supply of goods and services, in which value of goods does not constitute more than 25 percent may be extended to the DMF Trust or instead of creating a new entry to exempt 5 services supplied to Government Authority as per recommendation of Fitment Committee . Arukh stressed on exemption of GST on services offered by DMF Trust.