Mumbai, May 3 (FN Agency) JSW Energy on Tuesday posted all-time high consolidated net profit of Rs 864 crore for the quarter ending March 2022 as against Rs 107 crore in the corresponding period of previous financial year. In a statement, the company said that profit after adjusting for the Karcham Wangtoo true-up order stood at Rs 372 crore for the January-March (Q4) quarter of FY22. During the quarter, total revenue of the company increased 64% to Rs 2,655 crore from Rs 1,614 crore in the Q4 of previous financial year. For the financial year 2021-22, the company reported consolidated profit of Rs 1,729 crore, up 117% compared to Rs 795 crore in 2020-21.
“PAT (profit after tax) after adjusting for the impact of Karcham Wangtoo tariff order is Rs 1,180 crore in FY22,” JSW Energy said. During FY22, the total revenue of the company increased 22% year-on-year to Rs 8,736 crore from Rs 7,160 crore in FY21. The company board recommended a dividend of Rs 2 per share subject to approval of the shareholders. The consolidated net worth and consolidated net debt of the company as on March 31, 2022 were Rs 17,415 crore and Rs 6,963 crore respectively. “Receivable days stood at 59 days at the end of FY22 (vs 69 days at the end of FY21). Liquidity continues to be strong with cash balances at Rs 1,929 crore as of March 31, 2022,” it said. Stating its growth plan, JSW Energy said it is pursuing a growth strategy to expand from the current platform capacity of 7 GW to 10 GW by FY25 and 20GW by 2030 with the entire capacity addition being driven by renewables.