India’s core sector output slows down to 4.5 pc in July

New Delhi, Aug 31 (Agency) India’s core sector output slowed down to 4.5 per cent in July 2022 as against 13.2 per cent in the month of June, the data released by the Commerce and Industry Ministry showed on Wednesday. While the production of coal, refinery products, fertilizers, steel, electricity and cement industries increased in July 2022 over the corresponding period of last year, crore oil and natural gas showed decline during the month under review.

The combined Index of Eight Core Industries (ICI) measures combined and individual performance of production in selected eight core industries viz. coal, crude oil, natural gas, refinery products, fertilizers, steel, cement and electricity. The eight core industries comprise 40.27% of the weight of items included in the Index of Industrial Production (IIP). As per the official data, coal production increased by 11.4% in July, 2022 over July, 2021 while electricity production grew 2.2%. Crude oil and natural gas production declined by 3.8% and 0.3% respectively in July. The Commerce Ministry data showed petroleum refinery production and fertilizers increased by 6.2 per cent in July, 2022 over July, 2021. Steel and cement sectors grew 5.7% and 2.1% respectively in July 2022.