Indian Postal Dept opens 100 Sukanya Samriddhi accounts in “Spoorthy” program

Hyderabad, June 22 (Representative) In a significant stride towards supporting underprivileged girls, the Indian Postal Department organised “Spoorthy” program on Saturday, during which 100 ‘Sukanya Samriddhi’ accounts were opened. This noteworthy event saw the active participation of 64 UPSC 2024 rankers, who facilitated the opening of these accounts, thereby ensuring a bright future for the beneficiaries. The event was held at the Jama-i-Osmania Post Office under the supervision of T M Sreelatha, Postmaster General, Headquarters Region, on Saturday. The event was attended by guests including E S Narasimha Reddy IRS, Rami Reddy IRAS, and Anurag Singh IRS. During this program, along with Sukanya Samriddhi Accounts, India Post Payment Bank digital accounts were also opened for the mothers and guardians of the girls.

In her address, T M Sreelatha highlighted the inception of the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana by the central government in 2015 under the “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” campaign aimed at securing the golden future of girls. She shared impressive statistics, noting that from its inception until April 2024, a total of 3,89,24,105 accounts have been opened nationwide. Of these, 3,24,66,947 accounts nationwide and 10,54,062 accounts in Telangana were opened through post offices, significantly contributing to the bright future of many girls. Sreelatha emphasised that the scheme has notably reduced female feticide in the country. Many young women have utilized the funds from these accounts for their education and marriages in a timely manner. She urged that every girl should have such an account to ensure financial self-sufficiency in the future.

The program also included a felicitation ceremony for the 64 UPSC rankers who played a vital role in opening the accounts. These rankers handed over the Sukanya Samriddhi account passbooks to the girls, laying a strong foundation for their golden future. During this notable event, other trainee officials also spoke, expressing great satisfaction with the organization of such extensive programs on a regular basis for civil services. They urged the guardians (mother/father) of girls to consider taking advantage of the now available accounts. The event witnessed participation from senior superintendents of post offices from Hyderabad City, Hyderabad South East, and Secunderabad divisions, assistant directors, parents of the girls, other postal staff, and donors.