New Delhi, Jul 21 (Representative) Nation Press, India’s largest publishing platform, has announced the launch of ‘BYNGE’ – an app for serialized content where one can read bite-sized episodes of fiction serials from top writers in Indian languages. Speaking to UNI, Naveen Valsakumar, co-founder and CEO of Notion Press, said,” During the last lockdown when print books were not available, I started exploring reading fiction on mobile and realised that there were so many successful Serial fiction app in China, Korea and the US. But I was not able to relate to any of the stories on them as they were not culturally relevant to an Indian reader. This prompted us to explore the possibility of launching an app in India focused on Serial fiction. Bynge was born.
”He said Bynge, which was currently available in Hindi and Tamil, would soon be available in Marathi, Malayalam and more Indian languages. Speaking about challenges, he said,”It was challenging to launch an app during the pandemic as none of our teams could get into a room to brainstorm or ideate. But we learnt a lot through this process of launching from remote locations which will definitely come of use in the post-pandemic world.” He said plan for Notion Press was to get into more Indian languages and enable writers to publish more books in their mother tongue. ”We are currently publishing 2,000 books per month. Our next milestones is 5,000 books per month across languages. For Bynge, we want to hit one million users by end of August,” he said.