Chennai, July 15 (Agency) AG and P Pratham, one of India’s leading city gas distribution companies on Friday commissioned the Piped Natural Gas (PNG) network in the IT corridor of OMR in Chennai. This will be covering key areas of the IT corridor between Kelambakkam and Navalur. The company further plans to extend the network to Semmanchery and Shollinganallur in the next few months. A release here said the company announced the commencement of Domestic Piped Natural Gas (DPNG) supplies for the first time in OMR with the start of DPNG supplies to households in Revolution One – a New Gen themed community project at Padur developed by Alliance’s Urbanrise, one of the leading real estate players in South India. DPNG is a ultra-safe, convenient and economical cooking fuel which can seamlessly replace LPG and can be used by customers in their LPG stoves.
This also marks Tamil Nadu’s first Real Estate project to register 4500 apartments for D-PNG in the complex and provide connections to 1200 apartments as on date. Mr. Thirukkumaran N T, Regional Head – Kanchipuram GA, AG and P Pratham said, “We are excited to take our vision of bringing natural gas to every household one step further with the start of DPNG supplies to the first residential society in OMR.” “Residents and homeowners of Revolution One can now enjoy exclusive benefits by switching to PNG including cost savings of 10-20% compared to LPG cylinders. Our piped gas connections will ensure safe and hassle free daily usage by eliminating booking, storage, and handling of LPG cylinders”, he said.