An US town names a Day after Indian philanthropist Shekhar Mehta

New Delhi, Jan 30 (Agency) In a rare declaration in the city of Wallace in Carolina, USA, recently Kolkata’s leading philanthropist and current worldwide President of Rotary International, Shekhar Mehta had a DAY named after him. The Mayor of Wallace, North Carolina, Jason Wells made an official Proclamation declared, “Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta Day” for his unstinted support and leadership in constructing 500 homes for tsunami survivors in Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Healing Hearts heart corrective surgeries for 2,000 children, more than 7000 toilets for over 35,000 villagers in West Bengal apart from setting up 15 Eye Hospitals in India and initiating the Shelter Kit program for natural disasters survivors.

In RI President Shekhar Mehta;s words “Service is that rent I pay for occupying the space on this Earth and Service Above Self is my motto.” A leading builder, Mehta talks about one of his pet projects mentioned in the proclamation, “The Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 devastated the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, which are part of my district. Thousands of homes were destroyed, and many areas lost electricity and running water. On my visit to Little Andaman Island, the builder in me immediately wanted to build homes for the homeless islanders there. We decided to construct 500 homes on Little Andaman.

On the last of my seven trips to the island, I could see something glimmering below as my helicopter was about to land. I realized that what I was seeing were the roofs of new homes. I was overjoyed by the sight, and soon a realization dawned upon me. As a builder I had built many beautiful buildings. In comparison, these 500 homes were the most ordinary buildings I had ever built, and they were in a place I likely will never visit again, for people I will never meet again.” Shekhar Mehta currently located in Evanston, Chicago for a term of 1 year as the President of world’s leading service organization , he heads an organization of 1.2 million across 215 countries. His term come sto an end on 30th June of the current year.