Sexual Reproductive Health Initiative and FPA India’s Efforts During Humanitarian Crises

Bhubaneswar, Sep 30 (Bureau) Family Planning Association of India (FPA India) is a pioneer organization in sexual and reproductive health in India, working since 1949 to promote the individual rights to sexual and reproductive health information and services for all. FPA India provides a wide range of services, including family planning, HIV prevention, maternal health, and adolescent sexual health education.

The global humanitarian crisis displaces about 34000 each day due to natural hazards, climate change, armed conflict, epidemics, complex emergencies, etc. Under no situation women and girl’s need for reproductive health care never suspended in emergency crises. One-quarter of people affected by crises are women and girls aged between 15-49. One in five women is likely to be pregnant and one and five of all deliveries may experience complications. In crisis settings there is also a heightened risk of early forced marriage, rape and sexual violence, unsafe abortions, unattended births, Sexual Gender Based Violence, and un intended pregnancies. Transmission rates of STIs, RTI including HIV, increases in emergencies due to various unhealthy factors. Adolescents may feel fearful, stressed, bored or idle. They may find themselves in risky situations that for which they are not prepared to deal with such situations. Very young adolescents (10-14 years), especially girls, are at risk because of their dependency, lack of power & their lack of participation in decision making processes. They may not recognize the sexual nature of abusive or exploitative actions. At this situation there is urgent need for easy access to safe sexual and reproductive health services and referral pathways following components of Minimum Initial Service Package having all confidentiality and dignity. In emergency situation there is a breakdown of social norm mechanisms that declines the protection and service delivery scope but during onset of emergencies SRH needs become a priority in absence of that post risk may be more complex. The Family Planning Association of India (FPA India)has played a crucial role in addressing humanitarian crises across the country. Through its implementation of the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for reproductive health, FPA India has provided vital support to vulnerable populations affected by natural disasters, conflicts, and other emergencies.

MISP is an internationally recognized set of priority actions designed to address reproductive health needs during the onset of a humanitarian crisis. It focuses on preventing excess maternal and neonatal mortality, managing sexual violence, and ensuring access to contraception, among other essential services. FPA India has integrated MISP into its emergency response framework, ensuring the continuity of SRH services even in the most challenging situations. Also since 2018 FPAI has been advocating with different authorities and Civil Society Organization to realise the significance of SRH so that it can be included with Disaster Management Plan for benefit of community. FPAI is getting positive response on this initiative.

In recent years, FPA India has successfully implemented MISP during several critical humanitarian crises. Floods and Cyclones: In regions hit by severe floods and cyclones, such as Kerala, Odisha, FPA India deployed rapid response teams to ensure that as reproductive health services are not disrupted. These services included providing safe delivery kits, ensuring access to contraception, and offering psychosocial support to survivors of gender-based violence.