The updated Bentayga that was revealed globally last year has now made its way into the India market with a starting price of Rs 4.1 crore. As you would expect, the uber-luxurious SUV wears an updated styling comprising of a wider grille and new bumpers, but the easiest way to identify the new Bentayga is in its lighting elements. The ones up front get the matrix-LED treatment and crystalline detailing that we have seen on all the newer models from Bentley. The taillights on the other hand have moved to a new oval shape, which is likely to be polarising, but in line with Bentley’s new design language. The split tailpipes add a sporty appeal to this fast and quick SUV, and the rear track has been increased by 20mm for a sportier stance and enhanced driving dynamics.
On the inside, the Bentayga gets an updated 10.9-inch infotainment system and the India spec model too comes with an embedded SIM and connected technologies with the My Bentley connected app. The cabin can be specified in newer materials and colours – a dark tint diamond brushed aluminium trim, as well as two straight-grained veneers new to Bentayga – Koa and Crown Cut Walnut. The Mulliner Driving Specification adds a new quilting design, and micro piping detailing is a new option for the seats, much similar to the one seen on the new Flying Spur.
Under the hood is the same 4.0l twin-turbo V8 petrol as before, capable of delivering 550PS of power and 770Nm of torque that is good for a 4.5s 0-100kmph sprint and a top speed of 305kmph.