Nari Shakti is capable of leading technological revolution of 21st century: PM Modi

New Delhi, March 11 (Agency) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said “Nari Shakti” is capable of leading the technological revolution of the 21st century.“In the space sector, IT sector, and fields of science, women are achieving milestones time and again” Modi said while participating in Sashakt Nari – Viksit Bharat programme in New Delhi.He said, “Women are contributing to nation-building like never before…adding that from healthcare missions to Digital India, Nari Shakti is propelling the growth of several national missions”.“I assure you, in our third term, we will script a new chapter on women empowerment”, he further said.Talking about the women’s achievements, Modi said, “India has the highest number of female commercial pilots in the world.

In the upcoming years, there will be a huge potential for the use of drones”.During the programme, the Prime Minister released Rs. 2000 crore to Self Help Groups (SGHs) and felicitated Lakhpati Didis and distributed drones to them.He interacted with ‘Namo Drone Didis’ and witnessed the use of drones by these drone pilots for agricultural purposes.Speaking about the role of drone pilots, Modi said Women who are becoming drone pilots will have a future full of possibilities.“The way women self-help groups have expanded in India in the last 10 years is a subject of study in itself. These women self-help groups have created a new history of women empowerment in India” he said.

The Prime Minister added, “I want over 3 crore women to become ‘Lakhpati Didis’ in India. We have transferred an amount of Rs.10,000 crore to the accounts of Drone Didis”.Criticizing the previous government over the women’s issues, Modi said, “The erstwhile governments did not care much about the struggles of the women. I am the first Prime Minister who talked about the sanitation problems faced by women from the ramparts of Red Fort”.“Be it any country, any society, it can move forward only by increasing the dignity of women power and creating new opportunities for them” he said.