Itanagar, Mar 11 (Agency) Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu inaugurated the fully automated AI-based smart parking system at the premises of Tomo Riba Institute of Health & Medical Sciences (TRIHMS), Naharlagun on Sunday. The AI-based smart parking system, first of its kind in the country, has the increased capacity to accommodate 72 vehicles in 4 towers, a much-needed solution to parking woes in Itanagar, especially at TRIHMS, officials said. The new facility was launched by Khandu in presence of UD, Planning & ULB Minister Kamlung Mosang, Health & Family Welfare Minister Alo Libang, MLAs Techi Kaso and Laisam Simai, Itanagar Mayor Tamme Phassang, and a host of officials from various departments, and TRIHMS, Itanagar Smart City Development Corporation Ltd and the executing agency. The AI-based smart parking is based on Korean technology which needs very less space to be constructed with pre fabricated equipment. Noting that “technological interventions are essential to enhance the ease of living in urban areas”, Khandu said, this is a small beginning toward technology driven system and in coming days, this technology can be utilized in other parts of Capital Complex to arrest the parking issues.
The CM informed that the two completed parking lots – one at ESS sector and the other at Ganga – by the UD department will be inaugurated and dedicated to the public ‘soon’ towards addressing the parking woes. Daemyung Crusher Co Ltd’s global technical officer Sung Jin Cho briefed about the technology and its benefit to save time and said it is convenient to park the vehicles in a very limited place. He informed that this is the first project in India and such projects have been constructed in Indonesia, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The ground-breaking project has been constructed by Itanagar Smart City Development Corporation Ltd at an estimated cost of Rs 27 crore. The company will get into agreement with TRIHMS to collect some fee for parking and the parking lots will be taken care of during the liability period, officials said.