Visakhapatnam, Dec 21 (Bureau) The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Visakhapatnam Branch, on Wednesday arrested a senior Superintendent of post Offices (SPO), Bhimavaram Division, West Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh for demanding and accepting bribe of Rs 2.5 lakh from a postman. A case was registered on a complaint against the accused P. Balasubramanyam, CBI said in a release here. The accused issued an order for suspension to Complainant (Postman) on November 30, 2023 on the ground that a criminal case was registered against him and the same is under trial.
In order to revoke his suspension, it was alleged that Balasubramnyam initially demanded a bribe of Rs.10 lakhs and after negotiation, he reduced the bribe amount to Rs.2.5 lakhs. CBI laid a trap and caught the accused red-handed while demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs 2.5 lakh from the complainant.Searches were conducted at the residential and office premises of the accused and incriminating documents were seized. Accused Balasubramanyam has been arrested and produced before the Special Judge Court for CBI Cases, Vijayawada today.The Court remanded him for Judicial Custody till January 2, 2024. The case investigation is under progress.