New Delhi, Dec 15 (FN Agency) The latest poster for Dunki, the next movie starring Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, has been made public. Khan and Taapsee Pannu, who plays the female lead, feature in the latest Dunki poster.SRK and Taapsee are seen wearing the same handcuffs on the ad. “Dunki” “Get ready to meet us, wearing suits and boots,” Khan said in a social media post, alongside the new poster. “You wish to travel far and bring your significant other, girlfriend, or spouse. Hardy, Manu and his friends will come to meet you after 7 days.”
The narrative of Hardayal “Hardy” Singh Dhillon, Balli, Buggu Lakhanpal, Sukhi, and Manu—best friends who share the desire to move to London in search of a better life—is the basis for the upcoming film.The friends decide to use an unlawful backdoor entrance route known as “Dunki” which means “illegal immigration” in Punjabi to enter London, where they face a number of obstacles and go through experiences that will change their lives. Directed by Rajkumar Hirani, the film will release in the theatres on December 21.