Hyderabad, Nov 20 (Agency) Union Minister and Telangana BJP President G Kishan Reddy criticised Congress for making impractical promises in a bid to win the upcoming assembly elections scheduled for November 30. Speaking to reporters at the party state headquarters on Monday, Reddy asserted that the BJP had garnered support from various sections of the population, particularly from SCs, STs, and BCs in the state. He claimed that the BJP was leading in several constituencies and anticipated a silent movement among the people who had decided to vote against BRS. In certain areas, a tense situation has arisen where people are reportedly preventing BRS MLAs and campaign vehicles, questioning the non-implementation of promises such as crop loan waivers, BC Bandhu, Dhalit Bandhu, and Dhalit CM, among others.
Expressing dissatisfaction with purported fake surveys, Kishan Reddy maintained that the popularity of BJP candidates had not diminished. He highlighted the positive response of the people to the BJP election manifesto, particularly the announcement of the BC CM, which he claimed was attracting widespread support. Reddy noted that even family members of the BRS and Congress were extending their support to the BJP.Criticising the Congress for its historical track record, Reddy remarked that, despite numerous guarantees given since independence, the party had failed to deliver. He pointed out the severe impact of Congress policies on Telangana, referencing the loss of lives during the Telangana movement. Reddy stated that people were skeptical about the six guarantees of Congress, asserting that an inquiry into the alleged corruption of the BRS government would be conducted by a retired judge once the BJP came to power.