US calls on states to ratify nuclear-test-ban treaty ‘without waiting’ – Jenkins

United Nations, Aug 29 (Agency) The United States urges states to ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) “without waiting,” US Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Bonnie Jenkins said on Tuesday.” As you recognize our own efforts, we also call on all states and especially those listed in Annex two of the treaty, to ratify the CTBT without waiting for others to do so,” Jenkins said. Jenkins made the comment during a high-level plenary meeting at the UN General Assembly to commemorate and promote the International Day against Nuclear Tests.

Jenkins emphasized that the United States is concerned about Russian President Putin’s rhetoric about Russia’s willingness to resume nuclear testing. Jenkins ended her statement by saying that all states “must recommit” to a legally binding ban on nuclear tests.Russia has said it believes the responsibility for the CTBT not entering into force for more than a quarter of a century lies with the United States. Russia has also said the United States refused to ratify the CTBT and is showing an obvious inclination to resume nuclear testing.