Gorakhpur, Aug 12 (FN Agency) Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday said that the law and order situation of Uttar Pradesh has become an example in the country in the past six years and every investor is willing to invest in the state. After laying the foundation stone of the ethanol and extra neutral alcohol (ENA) plant of Keyaan Distilleries Private Limited to be set up at the cost of Rs 1200 crore in GIDA Sector 26, Yogi said that it is evident from the fact that investment proposals worth Rs 36 lakh crore have come to UP through the Global Investors Summit held early this year. He said, “Six years ago people were afraid of setting up industries and starting businesses in UP due to the weak law and order situation and people of the state faced an identity crisis during the Samajwadi Party (SP) and Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) governments. The youth no longer faces an identity crisis now and they proudly identify themselves as being from UP,” he said.
The CM said that with the start of the new ethanol plant, Sahjanwa will be developed as a new center of green energy. “Setting up of a grain-based ethanol plant will not only significantly increase the income of the farmers, but also enhance self-sufficiency in the fields of energy and petroleum. The money that used to go abroad for petroleum products will now go to the farmers,” he said. He said that 10 years ago, the SP government wanted to set up a slaughterhouse in the Bhiti Rawat area of Sahjanwa where the ethanol plant is going to be set up. “However, due to opposition and protests, they could not carry out their plan. Had the slaughter house been established here, no other industry would have come to the area,” he said. Yogi said that the dairy industry is being constructed by CP Milk in GIDA, pipe manufacturing industry by Tatva Plastics, bottling plant by Varun Beverage and warehouse by Central Warehousing Corporation. “Steel plant of Ankur Udyog has already started,” he said.
He said that a confluence of investment, employment and development works is being seen in Sahjanwa and GIDA. “In Bhiti Rawat alone, the process of industrial development has progressed on 207 acres. Garment Park is also being set up on 25 acres of land. There is significant demand for garment products worldwide and if women are trained and integrated into this sector, they can earn an additional income of Rs 10,000 to 15,000 per month while managing household responsibilities,” he said. The CM said that 101 plots are being developed for Garment Park and a flatted factory complex is also being built for the garment sector. “The development of a plastic park with 92 units is also underway,” he said. He said that the construction of a polytechnic in Bhiti Rawat will also be completed soon. He directed administrative officials to introduce trades in the polytechnic that are relevant to the industries in GIDA. Yogi emphasised on the setting up of skill development centers in Gida. He suggested utilising the CM Internship Scheme to connect youth with industries, with the government providing half of the training stipend and the industry providing the other half. Taking a dig at Congress and SP, Yogi said that whenever the two parties come together, they create chaos.
“They wasted the public’s money by setting up a sugar mill in Dhuriyapar, where even a single stalk of sugarcane does not grow. The mill didn’t even run for a day and turned into scrap,” he said. The CM mentioned that the double-engine government is planning to establish a new industrial town in Dhuriyapar spanning 8,385 acres which will initiate employment opportunities for the youth of Dakshinanchal who used to travel to countries like Bangkok, Singapore and Laos in search of work. He said that under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the image of the country has transformed in the past nine years. He said that the country has become the fifth-largest economy in the world today. The 31-acre unit of Keyaan Distilleries will have a plant with a production capacity of 300 kilo liters per day of ethanol and 200 kilo liters per day of ENA. Once operational, this unit will provide direct employment to a 1,000 individuals and indirect employment to another 1,000. The industry will be grain-based, meaning it will utilise rice, corn and other grains for production.