Importance of WILL in life

Cross business boundary has conducted awareness session on WILL and share importance of WILL in everyone life. WILL must be created and keep at safe place as there is no certainty of life. Death is truth and its certain of our life but we are not aware when this certainty will come. It’s our duty we must be prepare to face the situation. We will never have time to write WILL when death is to come. We are not BHISHMA PITAMAH who has boon to choose death timing as per our wish. 99% cases where death do not opportunity to write will and make succession plan. So it our duty to write WILL as soon as possible and make family happy even after us. CA Manish Kumar Sinha had taken awareness session on WILL and he focus on 3 w of WILL.

  • Why is will important ant in our life
  • Who can create or write WILL and
  • When will should be written.
    During awareness session by CA Manish Kumar Sinha, his golden advice to all of us was we can create WILL at any stage of life and the will can be amended various time. This amendment can be done on basis of:
  • Change in Family members (Increased or Decrease)
  • Change in Wealth
  • Change in country or environment condition (war or corona etc.)
    He given light on matter weather WILL should be register or not. He told will can be registered but even will written on plain paper is valid if will is made in sound mind and not created under undue influence. In conclusion, if you are not BHSHMA PITAMAH and not created your WILL consult your professional who has expert knowledge in drafting of will and have your first WILL as soon as possible.